

英漢字典: have had it

have experienced or suffered all one can;have come to the end of one's patience of life受夠了;吃盡了苦頭;無法忍受;生命沒救了

    “I've had it. I'm resigning from the job right now. ”“我已經受夠了,我要立刻辭去這份工作。”

    When the doctor examined the man who had been shot,he said,“He's had it. ”醫生檢查過被槍殺的人以後說:“他已經沒救了。”

    I don't know how to thank you. If it had not been for your help,I'd have had it. 我不知道該如何感謝你,要是沒有你的幫助,我就吃盡苦頭了。

    “The boat is taking in water. ”the sailor cried:“We've had it. ”那個水手大聲喊道:“船漏水了,這下我們可完了。”

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